There were two rooms available to us. This smaller studio space which I think is very appropriate for what we were trying to do. And then a HUGE studio space where KISS recorded their first album without makeup. It just felt wrong all around.

Sarah playing video games. I find it amusing that Sarah is pregnant and playing video games all throughout the film. That's not something you see in contemporary cinema. Pregnant women playing video games. Maybe I can make a documentary about that sometime.

Paula breaks some bad news to Jiyoung. And Kennedy makes a silhouetted cameo in this shot. He's making dinner. I imagine him preparing some sort of Thai noodle dish.

Just another day at Megamusicmall.net.

John plays Mistress Mayhem's DJ. It says "Sassy." With an anarchy sign as an 'a'.

Jason: "Do you smoke?" Jiyoung: "I do sometimes." I think it's pretty clear she's lying.

Throughout the movie, Jiyoung makes a couple references to "Taking a vacation." Here's the vacation.

We shot a quick scene in Candler Park Grocery around Christmas (obviously!).

Jiyoung makes her dad (played by Jim Johnson) spaghetti. The second half of this scene was pretty much made up on the spot and it's one of my favorite parts of the movie. Paul Maccartney II gets a shout out.

Drew is terrific in this scene. He's a tall dude. An Jiyoung is a short girl. Him towering over her with her reflection in his glasses shows a lot about their interaction.

We shot this scene from across the street and also with closeups. I either wanted to keep it far away or up close, but I couldn't mix the two. I really like the across the street version, but I LOVE the close up version. This shot was on the Canon t2i. Such incredible low light capabilities.

Becca attempts to dress Jiyoung in a sexy outfit. This is part of the girls night scene. At first girls night was just supposed to be a quick scene but I've realized it is almost the center piece of the film. Well, maybe not 'THE' centerpiece, but 'A' centerpiece.
Man, I can't wait to view the finished product!